
Когда речь заходит о вещах типа «предоставлении помощи», то нужно очень чётко понимать, кто и какую помощь предоставляет, и, главное - за чей счёт?

Для ответа на поставленные вопросы можно взять предоставление помощи Соединенными Штатами Америки, и ситуация будет следующая. Под термином «предоставления помощи» подразумевается:

  1. Выделение средств федерального правительства США на закупку новых вооружений

  2. Закупка вооружений производится у американских производителей, мощности которых расположены на территории США (получатели федерального финансирования раскиданы по разным штатам)

  3. Законодатели-республиканцы, призывающее к контролю над расходами на «предоставление помощи», рискуют нарваться на неприятные разговоры с фандрайзерами из американского ВПК (традиционного спонсора Республиканской партии) – зарвавшимся гражданам объяснят, что не нужно кусать руку, которая тебя кормит.


US funding for Ukraine arms has poured into Pennsylvania, Arizona and Texas

He noted some of the money would go to U.S. companies to replace equipment sent abroad and mentioned Patriot missile systems that are made by RTX's (RTX.N), opens new tab Raytheon in Arizona, and «artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country» naming Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas.

Pennsylvania and Arizona are pivotal swing states that will be critical to Biden next year.

US Military support is helping put American industry back on track

How the Ukraine is driving growth in Arkansas

CAMDEN, Ark. — In downtown Camden, in south-central Arkansas, a large number of storefronts sit dark and empty, offering little insight into what once thrived there. On one block, only a florist and an artisanal soap shop were open on a recent Monday.

«This building is not empty, it’s full of opportunity», a sign on another block’s storefront read.

But 10 minutes away, the Highland Industrial Park was bustling and its parking lot full as some of the nation’s largest defense contractors — Lockheed Martin, Aerojet Rocketdyne and General Dynamics — manufactured solid-rocket motors, missiles, launchers and other weapons systems that proved critical to the U.S. military and are now front and center in Ukraine.

Camden has long depended on the defense industry. For example, since 1980 Lockheed Martin has locally built its M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System — a tracked rocket launcher that can carry a dozen rockets or missiles. A mural featuring the system covers the entire back of a building in downtown.

Now the Lockheed facility is manufacturing the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System as quickly as it can.

Lockheed Martin raises full-year forecast on strong weapons demand

July 18 (Reuters) - U.S. weapons maker Lockheed Martin (LMT.N), opens new tab on Tuesday raised its annual profit and sales outlook on strong demand for military equipment stoked by ongoing geopolitical uncertainties.

Defense companies in the U.S. have been successful in translating demand for air defense systems, missiles and other weapons into orders, triggered by the war in Ukraine and increasing tension in U.S.-China relations.

As Ukraine Aid Benefits Their Districts, Some House Republicans Oppose It

By early next year, this city best known for being the rodeo capital of Texas is on track to become a centerpiece of the American effort to increase artillery production vital to the Ukraine.

A hulking new plant going up next to a highway exchange not far from downtown Mesquite promises to nearly double current U.S. output, replenishing stockpiles and preparing more ammunition to beat back the Russian invasion.

For a city in the midst of engineering an economic renaissance, the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems factory is a major boon. It is expected to employ a minimum of 125 people; bring business opportunities to local suppliers, retailers and restaurants; and, city officials hope, potentially help turn the area into an industrial hotbed of well-paying jobs.

Поэтому на вопрос – «кому помогают американцы» ответ простой – они помогают своей промышленности за счёт федерального правительства. Американской военной промышленности требуется время на организацию нового производства и увеличения выпуска продукции – как показывает история американцы это умеют делают (особенно когда выпуск продукции производится под гарантии американского правительства).

Ну и раз дело дошло до времени, то стоит призадуматься – на кого оно играет?

Тэги: США, Экономика


Alexander (c) Stikhin